Jubilee Year Door of Mercy Pilgrimage
The parishes of the Cronan Cluster of Killaloe Diocese (Roscrea, Bournea, Kyle & Knock, and Dunkerrin) made a Jubilee Year of Mercy Pilgrimage to Mt St Joseph Abbey this afternoon to walk through the Door of Mercy and to participate in a Liturgy incorporating the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Over 150 members from the parishes came on the pilgrimage. The liturgy was led by the Abbot, Fr Richard, assisted by priests of the parishes. The theme of the liturgy was “Merciful like the Father.” After having received the sacrament of reconciliation, those attending were invited to place a candle on the cross in thanksgiving for having received the Father’s mercy. Light refreshments were available to all in the Abbey guesthouse. A number of the pilgrims remained on to celebrate Vespers and Benediction with the monastic community.