On Friday 1st March we mark First Friday with Adoration and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament after 5.15pm Vespers. This takes place in our Winter Chapel, which is accessed via the metal gates into the monastic cemetery. Exposition lasts from approximately 5.40pm until 7.20pm, at which time there is Benediction, followed directly by the Divine Office of Compline. We warmly invite you to participate.
We shall be using the time to pray especially for vocations to the religious life, and for a renewal in vocations here at Mount St Joseph Abbey. With this in mind, we are holding our next Monastic Experience Weekend from Friday 8th-Sunday 10th February, an opportunity for men to discern the contemplative vocation within the context of a monastic visit, including full board accommodation, participation in the liturgy and one-to-one discussions with monks of the community. We ask you to keep this intention in your hearts.