We pray to the Spirit as a matter of course. And yet we may easily forget the incalculable grace that the Spirit respresents to us.
Our gifts, our life of faith, moves us through the ways of the Spirit and, as we ask for his grace to sustain and motivate us, to draw us and to guide us, we are depending upon this same wonder that created the universe, that moved in the depths, and that came to the Disciples.
Here is a great wonder, deep inside our own depths, a great gift of passage through these difficult times. He is our great protector. And, just as he drove Christ int nthe wilderness to suffer for forty days, so his ways will challenge us to the core. To live in the glory of the Spirit is no softly spoken spa-day experience. But it is the sure way, the way of truth and of life.
We pray, then, to the Holy Spirit, for the grace to know him better, to listen and to respond in love. May we carry the Spirit in our lives just as the Disciples did, for the glory of God.