The Community of Mount Saint Joseph Abbey were delighted to welcome a group of Contemplative Nuns who were staying with us for the past three weeks. The monastery guesthouse was the venue for a meeting of some of the younger members of Irish female contemplative Orders. Three Redemptoristine nuns, three Dominican nuns and six Poor Clares participated in a three week , Sr. Margaret Taylor and Sr. Bernadette Reynolds. The programme aimed at fostering integration of relationships with God, self, others and creation. The nuns joined the monastic community in the daily celebration of the Divine Office and Eucharist. It was said that the location of the event in the beautiful setting of the monastery and its grounds along with the opportunity to participate in the daily celebration of the Divine Office with the monks contributed greatly to the overall thrust of the course. According to the sisters, it was a wonderful experience for all of them. Many of the monastic community commented on how well the male and female voices complemented each other when chanting the Divine Office. The group with their directors are seen here with Dom Laurence Walsh ocso Prior of Mount Saint Joseph Abbey.