We are very much looking forward to tomorrow’s First Friday Adoration which takes place after our 5.15pm Vespers. Would you like to join us? Then please do… you will be most welcome!
Adoration begins at approximately 5.40 and concludes at about 7.25pm, just before the Office of Compline. By all means come to Vespers and/or Compline as well and participate in our liturgy.
If you are unable to attend, then we invite you to pray in your own way to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and especially for the reparation of sins. We keep religious and priests in our prayer at this time, for the grace and strength to remain faithful to their vocation as shepherds of souls, and we pray especially for those who have been affected by the evil of abuse both within and without the Church.
We pray also for vocations to the religious life and priesthood, especially to vocations for our own house, here at MSJ.
Photo: the Harry Clarke windows in our Old Infirmary Chapel (centre: the Sacred Heart of Jesus).