Yesterday afternoon there was an Oak tree planting ceremony to commemorate Dom Malachy’s Ordination to the priesthood in the grounds of Cistercian College. The wonderful event was attended by members of the Monastic Community, Staff, Parents and Students, proceedings commenced with a tree-planting ceremony. The significance of the young oak tree being planted near the location of the longstanding great old oak was likened to the new generation Cistercian College, and Dom Malachy was congratulated on his tremendous work in leading the Monastic Community and supporting the College, maintains strong links between all on the campus. In Blessing the tree, Dom Malachy acknowledged its symbolism, and the importance of our responsibility to protect the environment and reduce the destruction of our wonderful world. He thanked the Parents Association Committee, its Chair, Inez Heenan and Secretary, Martin Mullen, for organising the event as well as all the parents and students of the College. Transition Year students made 2 presentations to Dom Malachy and special thanks was given to Egan Stone for donating the lovely plinth. Mr. Grealish congratulated Dom Malachy, and also thanked him for his great co-operation and friendship to all at the College, also thanking the PAC and Parent body for their ongoing support. Some stories of the great old oak were exchanged and the occasion closed with refreshments served in the College Centenary Room, thanks to Catherine Scott. Thanks also goes to Mr. Gary Halpin, Mr. Paddy Smyth, Ms. Aileen Spillane and Ms. Geraldine Edwards, who liaised on the project.